Re: vixie cron

Ollivier ROBERT (
Wed, 3 Aug 1994 10:18:03 +0200 (MET DST)

> i have recently heard that vixie cron, pre version 3.0??, has several holes in t.   can anyone confirm this?  what is the recommended upgrade path?  replace
> with version 3.0 or is there a newer more secure version yet?

The last one is 3.0 PL 1. I do not have that much information about the
holes themselves but I guess that they would enable anyone to open 
privileged files and such.

Most versions of Linux and both FreeBSD and NetBSD have 3.0p1. It has been
posted in comp.sources.misc if I remember well.

Ollivier ROBERT                                 
HervĪ˜ Schauer Consultants      
PERL / MIME / PGP 2.6ui         FreeBSD keltia 1.1.5(RELEASE) RELEASE#0 i386